Text scam example:

Frequently Asked Question

Text scam example: Remember, although a text may claim it is from Citadel, fraudsters can spoof their messages to look like it is coming from Citadel or another financial institution. 

Please remember that Citadel will never ask you to verify your personal information. DO NOT give out your account number, debit/credit card number, or Social Security number to a fraudster texting you like the example below. Be aware, the phone number doesn't belong to Citadel and the criminals are seeking a great deal of private information in order to steal your identity and money. In addition, the text may tell you to click on a link to learn more about the issue. These links may take you to a spoofed website that looks real but isn’t. If you log in, the scammers can then steal your user name and password.

text message scams
