I’m using Safari and I am having trouble viewing eDocuments; how can I view my eStatements?

Frequently Asked Question
Ensure the Citadel Website is open on your browser, then follow these steps:
- Download Adobe Reader from https://get.adobe.com/reader/, in order to utilize the PDF viewing capability in Safari.
- Via Safari menu, click on 'Preferences'
- Once the window opens, select the 'Security' tab.
- Ensure 'Enable Java Script' is checked next to Web Content.
- In the same window, select the 'Websites' tab to find Internet plugs-ins
- Select 'Adobe Reader' at the bottom under Plug-Ins. You should see Citadelbanking.com and Citadelonlinebanking.com (both are showing 'ASK' by default )
- Change it to ON temporarily (or keep as 'ON' to retain Citadel as a trusted source. You can change it back to 'ASK' once completed.) Safari will present a warning, which you can click through to accept the changes.
Your eStatement should now be rendering correctly!